Episode 2

Published on:

17th Feb 2024

Edu Talks Canada with Marlon Hernandez - Navigating Educational Opportunities in Sudbury, Canada.

Join us for Episode 2 of Edu Talks Canada as host Achuth Kesavan sits down with Marlon Hernandez to explore Sudbury, Canada.

Marlon shares insights into the unique educational landscape of Sudbury, highlighting its innovative programs, community engagement initiatives, and the vibrant student life that defines the city.

Whether you're considering Sudbury as a study destination or simply curious about its educational offerings, this episode offers a deep dive into the educational opportunities awaiting you in Sudbury, Canada.


00;00;00;00 - 00;00;38;20


Welcome back to EDU Talks Canada. In this second episode we're taking a closer look at the educational landscape in Sudbury, Canada. Join us as we delve into the diverse opportunities available for students in this vibrant city, from academic programs to extracurricular activities. We'll explore it all and provide valuable insights into navigating the educational journey in Sudbury. Whether you're a prospective student, current student or simply curious about educational opportunities in Canada, you won't want to miss this insightful discussion.

00;00;38;22 - 00;00;50;20


Tune in and explore the educational landscape of Sudbury with your host. Orchard has evolved.

00;00;50;23 - 00;01;19;19


Hi Marlon. Thank you so much for joining us today. I would like our listeners to know that we have Marlon here today. Marlon Hernandez, is that correct? Yes, Correct. That's my name Achuth. Yeah. Thank you, Marlon, for joining Edu Talks Canada. And it's a very special feeling to have you here because I remember meeting you at Sheridan College in Toronto maybe two years ago for a summit.

00;01;19;21 - 00;01;46;00


And I think the first experience that we had together was me trying to find your or me trying to find you and your colleague because your cars or your car was beeping or the battery was on and I was trying to find whose car is this. And then of course, I met your colleague and we went together to turn off the car, etc..

00;01;46;00 - 00;02;08;20


So that's where I think I first met you. And it was it was quite a brief meeting, I want to say, because given your position, you're a busy person and would you like to tell our listeners a little bit about yourself, your current position, what you're doing, etc.? Okay. First of all, thank you. I said for this opportunity.

00;02;08;20 - 00;02;34;01


I think it's nice to know that other colleagues in the industry and educational sector are thinking about how to share more information about the sector per se, and thank you for that. I think it's a great opportunity. Excellent idea. By the way, for the record and first of all, my name is Madeleine Hernandez. I was born in Honduras, Latin America, and eventually I went to study in the United States.

00;02;34;03 - 00;03;09;21


e to Canada. Eskinder Reza In:

00;03;09;23 - 00;03;36;25


Ever since I've been working in the international kitchen sector and I think has been a wonderful time for me growing professionally and as a person too. I love what I do and I think like, you know, you know, helping others to make their dream true is part of the what we do and I a reference. I also worked as a teacher and I was a professor at the university back Baghdad in Honduras, too.

00;03;36;28 - 00;03;58;12


So I had that experience through in the kitchen sectors in Honduras, too. And I'm glad to be here. I'm glad to share what I what the little things I know and that I'm I'm I'm I'm just hoping to learn more about this, too. I think you're underselling yourself, Madeleine, that the little things that you know, you know a lot, right?

00;03;58;14 - 00;04;46;09


Just because you know, you have that North American Latin American experience that U.S. And do you have currently I think you're in recruitment at the U.S. government and the manager of recruitment for International Students for America, the Americas, Latin America, South America, Caribbean Europe and Africa. Wow. That's so wide. Region Could you let our listeners know a little bit about maybe the differences or maybe the challenges that you face when you are recruiting for I mean, I'm I'm painting a very broad brush by saying Latin America.

00;04;46;09 - 00;05;15;23


I know even within Latin America, you will find with the multiple countries cultural differences, languages, etc., etc., and so many needs and requirements individually for individual countries. Right. But let's start with a broad brush and say, okay, for Latin America, this is kind of what we have to keep an eye out generally for Europe, for Africa. So what what are the differences do you think you see?

00;05;15;25 - 00;05;53;14


Well, and thank you for asking that question. I think one one of the challenges in Latin America is like the English level is not necessarily there. And in Latin America, most of the Latin American countries were conquered by Spain and Portugal. And then basically we the language in that we're speaking in Latin American, Spanish or the Portuguese and English level is not over there, like in more, more, more realistically open for us to come to study in kind of of the other states and it's a little bit different in the Caribbean and the Caribbean.

00;05;53;14 - 00;06;16;25


You have a lot of island. They speak English. So the biggest challenge in Latin America is that is the English level, because it is not. There are other challenges in Latin America that you don't see in in the regions is that most of the Latinos they want to study in the United States. okay. Now I know, but that why is that a symmetry theme?

00;06;16;27 - 00;06;39;24


Okay. First vicinity. Yes. But the second thing I think, you know what? If in Latin America where we celebrate Christmas the same way the people celebrate not exactly the same way, but very similar, there is a lot of activities in Latin America that you will notice that is very similar. Chances are and you know, Superbowl was the last night.

00;06;39;27 - 00;07;13;00


Chances are compromise different everyone from singing today I guess and does as are many people in Latin America. Watch the the Superbowl even though they don't really like football the way they love soccer or the football ball. Yeah, we've got the what we call in football. Yes. Yes. And and but then again there is a many, many American influence in in in Latin America and that's by the way, that's a one difference between Latin America and in America right now.

00;07;13;00 - 00;07;36;22


In Africa, you would notice that English is there, even though some of them speak French. Yes. Secondly, many African and African people or students, they see England as the option right. That they see as in Great Britain, as okay, I went to study in England. They want to stay in India. To just a bit of a sidebar about that.

00;07;36;24 - 00;08;12;13


I know that UK has also implemented and now we are heading to our immigration hat. I know they have implemented certain, let's say, roadblocks in terms of new students arriving in Canada. I'm sorry, my apologies. New students arriving to UK and there are certain. Well yeah that challenges challenges. Yes, very good. Certain challenges that new students are going to face because I have a personal example as well.

00;08;12;16 - 00;08;40;29


A a distant cousin or a relative of mine decided to study in the UK, but could not could not have their spouse come with them. So do you see any other challenges in UK for African students from Africa, either English speaking Africa, let's say, and because of that they would opt in to Canada, even though the last step.

00;08;41;00 - 00;09;11;00


So I was talking to my colleague Olga, and we had briefly touched upon the new challenges that we are facing as well. And I didn't want to make the first episode of Porto's challenges at all. And again, I don't want to make it only about immigration, but then, you know, we kind of touched upon immigration always because that at present that's kind of the biggest hindrance when it comes to recruitment, I guess, right now.

00;09;11;00 - 00;09;39;14


But coming back to the question about England, I'm not I assume England. So I mean, it's not something that I can see when I talk to students from the front from from Africa. You then mentioned the Brexit here and there. The mum and dad Brexit appear in the in the history. Then there are a lot of there's a lot of sentiment anti-immigrant in some countries, not only, by the way, not only in England on the other countries.

00;09;39;15 - 00;10;19;27


Yeah, and, but then the fact that they had this conversation about leaving Europe because of the migration, because if you notice Brexit, this based on immigration, right? Yeah. So some people say, no, you know what, I don't want to move to a place where there is no there are no open for me. So they start looking for other options like and the options are that we have to admit that the most important place or the more attractive place for many people are instead of a state they say he is, is the number one place where everybody wants to go now, either to visit, to study or to work or to leave or whatever it is.

00;10;19;27 - 00;10;46;01


Right. So and yet with the new model that other countries are, are are appear more appealing to the market, that's why Canada is one of those countries, Australia in this particular case, England that we're talking about. But then it came in and then student from Africa say, you know what, I don't think so. I would rather go to a place where I feel welcome and that is the option for them.

00;10;46;01 - 00;11;16;15


That's why some of them are coming to to Canada now. Yeah, unfortunately. I mean the British weather is you can say it's damp and cloudy, but I've been doing like three or four times. Yeah, it's a fine, but comparatively better than being cold and stuck in knee deep of snow. Yeah. So I'm sure you do. I'm sure you have your students complaining about.

00;11;16;17 - 00;11;33;21


it's so cold and a lot of snow here, you know, So that kind of presents a different type of challenge. But I know a lot of people are excited of seeing snow for the first time. That's the other thing, of course. And now that you mention the snow, that's part of the we have to own in right to Canada has houses know.

00;11;33;21 - 00;11;50;01


And I said but you know it's funny that the mummers that has gone by this hour okay this is the first snow they like it. And then there's this like this, like in the snow, of course. And eventually they get used to it. And after they get used to that, they then they learn how to handle this law.

00;11;50;08 - 00;12;20;05


Yeah. And they embrace it like, okay, this time we're going to go skiing and snowboarding, ice fishing, or they're do things with the snow eventually. And well, I think it's part of life. People enjoy it. Or I'm like, I like anything. Some people don't like it at all. So yeah, that but the in general terms, I think that most of this to this day they embrace the snow and the cold weather and eventually they they'll never have to navigate in that.

00;12;20;08 - 00;12;48;28


Yeah. And sorry, I'm just coming back to an earlier point that you mentioned about Latin America and the level of English right now. Generally, what I see sitting in Toronto. So again, I want to convey to our listeners that Madeline is with Cameroon College, which is situated in Sudbury. Yeah, I would say maybe 4 hours north. 4 hours, 4 hours driving, Yes.

00;12;49;01 - 00;13;21;01


From Toronto. So in in Toronto, at least the place where I work, what I see is generally students going and Latin American students are part of that as well. They go to an English language program in a private school and then come to come to our college. But is it the same scenario for you? Do you see that transition of Latin American students going to study English language at a private institute coming to you, or do I?

00;13;21;01 - 00;13;42;11


I'm sure you also in Cambridge will how English as a second language program. So we have actually actually, we are three level students. We have a students who who come to study at Cambridge College. English. Yeah. Then we have a students who come to our private school in either in Toronto or any place in the war. And then eventually they come to us.

00;13;42;13 - 00;14;05;16


Yeah. And the other students come from bilingual schools in Latin America, meaning that those those are the students come up. And probably the more resources, resources and they study in, in schools that they learn everything in English since they are kids. So when they come here, the English alone is higher. That is that is something important to mention, by the way.

00;14;05;18 - 00;14;31;29


Yeah. And in my short experience I don't how the level of experience you have my list so it's it's actually a steal to have you as a guest here today because it's such a treasure trove of experience that you how and and I'm really thankful again for you you know you took them you think is important and it is you reached out to me and saying hey I want to do this, you know, And that's amazing.

00;14;32;01 - 00;15;10;14


You know, it's very nice to have that feeling from someone as experienced as you write. So in your experience in terms of students looking to study in Canada, I know you wanted to touch a little bit upon the city of Sudbury. And what are the advantages of Sudbury? What is the advantages of Cambridge? And I don't mind the shameless marketing that I will do for you as well, if you want to call it that.

00;15;10;16 - 00;15;32;24


I had, you know, another dome I use. I know it's a it's it's a terminology we use. But, you know, you are a great colleague and a friend and I, I have no hesitation in doing that. So go ahead. Tell us a bit about Sudbury and improving next trip. Okay. Thank you for opening the door for Cambridge in college and Sudbury pretty much.

00;15;32;27 - 00;16;06;21


Sudbury is a city with around around 67,000 people. Most of the the audience all over the world. We think, that a small city which is okay and that but but then again, if you want to think about a big city, don't worry, because Sudbury is pretty much twice as big as Sao Paulo, Brazil twice as big as Bogota, Colombia, 0.4 times bigger than Mexico City and 22 times bigger than Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

00;16;06;23 - 00;16;42;12


So we're talking about a big city in terms of land who and yet we need people. Yeah, So that explains why immigrants in Canada and Ontario, they're open to to promote communities and people come to to Sudbury right now. Sudbury has some options that they're open for or poor students of public health professionals because Sudbury is it's a city is a little bit I would say more affordable London big cities.

00;16;42;12 - 00;17;04;29


And by the way, that is not an invention of all of Sudbury. That happens everywhere in the world. If you go to if you go to to England, chances are London is more expensive than other cities in England, right? Absolutely. You go to if you go to the United States and cities are New York is more expensive that any any other small city somewhere else, something happening here.

00;17;04;29 - 00;17;25;26


I mean if you go and make a city like Sudbury, well, your life is going to be less complicated in terms of money. The the quality of their life is going to be a little bit more controlled because, listen, stress in terms of driving, commuting easier, even car insurance is cheaper. No, that's true. You will see conditions if you buy a car.

00;17;25;29 - 00;17;50;25


And then when you move from Toronto to the suburbs, while this money are being made three times more in Toronto, which is just it's just to get to an option. And remind me, Marlon. But then again, there are other things to do in Sudbury, like there, even though this is a small city, it has all of this benefits of, I would say, a medium sized city.

00;17;50;25 - 00;18;19;14


When you have many activities about a hockey and basketball games or you can see you can go and skating and skiing and paintball and and there's so many things to do. Yeah, they can enjoy the moment in here. There they go. Thing about community. I want to go back to committees that you can be in any place in this city about between 15 to learn more than 30 minutes.

00;18;19;16 - 00;18;50;28


So if you have a lake in Sudbury because you want to be late, you don't have a choice. No, you have to be very messy. In Toronto, you can say, was a traffic jam or whatever, and people will believe you, right? Because it is it is You easily bribe the community in their big cities like Toronto, Houston, Houston, Texas, New York, Miami, Vancouver, Washington City, Washington, D.C. is if big cities are are complicated procedures because there are so many people around that.

00;18;51;01 - 00;19;15;29


Well, another thing about Sudbury that maybe you you don't know is that so? So there is the third largest francophone community outside of Quebec. Okay. Yeah, that's. That's interesting. I did not know that. Yeah. Yeah. One out of four people speak French in the city, so that allows you to open up to the French speaking markets. Yes, Yes.

00;19;16;01 - 00;19;42;07


That's another option for them. And the thing is that even though anybody can say, well, they're French, it is spoken all over Canada. Yes, it is a spoken lower kind of that, but not in the same intensity. No. So in Sudbury is is is very clean. And in fact, today I was walking in Cameron College and I hear a couple of students from Cameron College speaking in French like a picture to people in French in front of you.

00;19;42;13 - 00;20;05;14


And you think, well, maybe I'm in Paris, maybe in Quebec. No, you're in Sudbury. And and you see it every day. And you can see that multiculturalism and then the language is there, right? Yeah. We have no other in sport. Important things like health care. The hospital is a beautiful hospital in here. Yes. Northern Hospital is nice. Is it?

00;20;05;19 - 00;20;30;05


This being is bigger than some other hospitals in in Toronto? No, maybe it's not. It's not bigger than big, big hospital in Toronto, but still is is attractive. And but perhaps the most important thing about Sudbury is that we are the capital of the mining of the war in terms of nuclear. Yes. So we have a to that museum, the nickel museum.

00;20;30;08 - 00;20;57;27


yeah. How have you all had. Nice, nice. this is a very nice experience, right? Yes, it is. It is is so around mining that we have more attention on their companies related to mining. Well, I mean, operating miners companies here we have two miles and we have one nickel refinery and we have a 14,000 employed in mining supply and service sectors.

00;20;58;04 - 00;21;27;24


We have a lot of people were getting married and and before we get into so mining stuff is important to mention that back in the seventies somebody was only a dedicated to mining now but now Sudbury we do have more things like we are not we are not only mining yeah yes we have a lot of mining products or services there, but we are a little more diversified than before.

00;21;27;27 - 00;21;48;07


Got it. So what happened back in the seventies? When I talk to the taxi drivers or I mean the senior people in the city, they measure know back in the seventies something happened and then mining companies are closing operations and then they see we had a big, big, big trouble. Right. But now the things are a little bit different.

00;21;48;09 - 00;22;11;20


And now that doesn't mean that they're bad. And if mining still in the industry in the city, we will not suffer. Of course we will suffer, but not in the same proportion that we did it in the past. So the city has been growing and now we offer services. In fact, that's one of the reasons why do we have a lot of Latinas working here and many of our companies, they do business with Cuba.

00;22;11;20 - 00;22;36;15


We are seeing they're Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, all Latin America, all over the place. So and then Africa, obviously, because this is where you have mining industry that they are connected with also. And then, you know, for having that language component, the Spanish language component, in fact, I know people who are being hired, in fact, just because there's bigger Spanish.

00;22;36;18 - 00;23;00;16


Wow, we need a person with speaking Spanish because our sector with that money. So of course, hope would help competent as well. Of course. No wonder. Right. But but they they need to know Spanish. Yeah it's one of the requirements. So this is something that's important to have. Right. And this is a great segway to kind of tell you about A student that I had visit me on campus today and she came with a spouse.

00;23;00;16 - 00;23;35;12


So she is the student, but she came with her spouse so that he could translate in English. And she's almost close to graduating. She's doing a two year program, graduating in April. And I was like, very interesting. And I said, okay, if you are considering after you graduate, you're trying to find jobs and you know, you want to improve your English language, but you still want to find a job, I suggested the consulate because sometimes consulates have local staff write for the consulate that the country that she's from.

00;23;35;15 - 00;24;05;15


That could be a good starting point, just so that English is not a major factor. But this is really great to know that in Sudbury there are that there's there's a need for Spanish speaking professionals, right? It is it is an opportunity for them in here and in some sectors, Brazilian and in mining and very importantly you how the rural immigration pilot program that right.

00;24;05;18 - 00;24;28;09


Yes, that's part of the that's part of the other thing that we having here. But before we go into immigration, I want to mention one more thing about Sudbury. Yeah. Something that we call significant job. Yeah. yes, you can find any job, any place to work. I should have you on. I right now quit what we're doing, and we ended up being in, I don't know, in Berlin?

00;24;28;12 - 00;24;46;08


Yeah, Germany. Tomorrow we get a job in Berlin for. For sure. We get a new job in Berlin, hopefully. But I don't speak in German, though. I don't know. I understand what you're saying. Yeah, We're going to get a job over there. Yeah, but the question is doing what? Yeah. So will that job will help us as a personal best.

00;24;46;09 - 00;25;18;16


Only like feeling good where we're doing professional will help us. And eventually can we become Germany permanent resident or something. Yeah. So if those three questions are okay, then we can be okay in German. Yeah, but what if that That's not a case so needy that big? See, that's one of the challenges is and please I'm not trying to demonize leaving the basically because it's beautiful to live in a big city like like if you every time I go to Toronto, every time I see Washington D.C. or in Miami or New York.

00;25;18;22 - 00;25;43;06


Well, this is impressive, right? Yeah. Yet leaving it there, you notice that? Okay, this is not that easy. Is a little bit more complicated and the life is more complicated and this natural easy to find a significant job because many of the jobs that the students find, especially let's talk about the position of the jobs, the students, they have a hard time to find a job over there because most of the jobs are part time.

00;25;43;09 - 00;26;09;27


True. Yeah. And then you are competitive with those people when they think about kind of that. They think about this five big cities. Yeah. It's like us moving to to just that. We want to think about London. Yeah Yeah it is. And that's very disheartening to me, honestly, because there's a lot of students that I see personally and they just they're so stuck in GTA and that Canada is huge.

00;26;09;27 - 00;26;32;28


There is a need for people all across Canada and I don't know when or how this mindset would change, but maybe over time maybe you have some ideas about that. You know, maybe come to Sudbury and Cambridge. Yeah. And in fact, if that has been changing in their in their recent years and then I want in, then I think it's time to introduce the rural immigration pilot program.

00;26;33;01 - 00;27;17;20


ntroduced this program was on:

00;27;17;20 - 00;27;44;26


e I'm wrong, but last year in:

00;27;44;29 - 00;28;06;00


by the way, remember back in:

00;28;06;03 - 00;28;32;19


Great. That's I mean they became generous and they took many of them to stay in Sudbury because you know what? This is the place I want to leave that day was the it was once you come to Sudbury and you you you stay in the city and you live in the cities. And what I really want to live here, this is an option for me and is like an area of the place is not for everybody but people coming here and enjoy the moment, embrace the city, They love it and then they want to.

00;28;32;21 - 00;28;57;19


Maybe that's a good point to explore in terms of diversity, how have you seen the demographic change of Sudbury? yeah, that's there. And that's just in the last ten years, You know, in fact, I just want to mention the supermarket. Yeah. Emma Latina, right? Yeah. So in the first days I went through the supermarket here in Sudbury.

00;28;57;19 - 00;29;22;15


It was okay. It wasn't like a while. And then if I, the food that I eat. Yeah, like, if I would put a very Latino. I didn't find tortillas. I didn't find nothing like in nothing I nothing. There was nothing like you. What's, what's your favorite comfort food. I just want to quiz you for one minute. Okay. So again, what is your favorite comfort food?

00;29;22;15 - 00;29;46;13


Latino. Comfort food? yeah, because obviously. Okay, exquisite. Because I'm glad we eat something in Latin America. Sometimes we eat something globally. Yeah, that's nice. Made of metal flour tortillas with beans and cheese and cream. Pretty much. That's what we eat. Those kind of things. What hard to find in here. You know, if you go to the supermarket, you find everything.

00;29;46;16 - 00;30;08;14


You got it and missing nothing. And now with with the with the Filipinos come in with the Nigerian people coming in being mean, the means people coming with the Korean people. Now you find more things like the Indian years ago it was not like this. Yeah. So it is just in the supermarket. You can see that. A huge difference.

00;30;08;17 - 00;30;30;19


A huge difference with whatever happened in the past. I'm I'm well, I'm really glad we kind of went into this spot of talking about diversity of food, because I think that's the most common denominator with a lot of students coming into the city where they're considering. I like if they're thinking, I don't know about Sudbury, it's not a Toronto, right?

00;30;30;19 - 00;31;07;29


In Toronto, the everything, everything is available. Black of course, that we have to meet, that we have to stay the fact there. But I think a lot of people are, you know, let's say a lot of a lot of our listeners are outside Canada trying to think about studying in Canada, exploring that option. Maybe this is a small key and locking in there or a lock and locking in their brain and you're giving them the key saying that, yes, there is diversity of food in places like Sudbury as well, because it just never does their food, meaning that they have a market for that exact.

00;31;08;00 - 00;31;51;09


The only reason they say more tortillas and more corn, more, more whatever Latinos eat is because there is a market for that. Yeah. Okay. Well, the point is like there is a market for for for if there is a market for food, them is that are people coming back to the people eating that market heated up food and the other thing is that normally I talk to the and the consumers of the of the high schools and elementary schools and near the school board and there they are super happy with the amount of Latinos and African I mean the means and all means versus food that we're bringing because most of our students from Latin

00;31;51;09 - 00;32;23;12


America are from Filipino communities and Vietnamese and Korean and Nigerian students and Afrikaans. It is they bring they come with their families. So, yes, all this all these students, they come with the two years or three years old, five years old, ten years, 11 years old, whatever teenagers they bring to the community. And now the the high schools and the elementary schools are full with diversity and they're enjoying the moment that we are.

00;32;23;12 - 00;33;07;05


They're flourishing with diversity. And you will see in the schools now and now I think this is it's a great point that you mentioned that, and I'm a little disheartened to say what I'm going to say now, because we had the announcement from RCC for the next two years. There's a gap and there's going to be a stoppage or a closure of students who are going to be studying in a college to invite their family members or their spouses coming on an open work permit.

00;33;07;08 - 00;33;42;24


I know this is it's it's probably going to take us on to a very, very disappointing mode. What kind of significant impact does this have for Sudbury, for Cambridge? And if you'd like to say that, what are your thoughts on that? Well, I can't make an opinion on what I understand immigration decided to do. I if you ask me personally, I wish we had some time to to prepare for this is not the case.

00;33;42;29 - 00;34;06;20


To buy is another case. I think that the the one of the one of the sectors going to suffer the the limitation of bringing family members saying that's just as important as just adding a is going to be like the the boarding school the schools for the school board because a suburban they're going to miss those distance big time.

00;34;06;20 - 00;34;31;11


You know the the other thing is that eventually there's going to be the growth in Sudbury will stop a little bit. Then we will have some some sort of plateau for a couple of years along. We're going to keep growing. I, I have to think that I want to think positively that the government is doing this because it is for the best interest for everybody.

00;34;31;14 - 00;34;55;20


Yeah. And I want to think that this two years will help us to to to improve things, to to keep preparing ourselves for a better system from crisis students. You know which one I can one thing they can tell me about Sudbury is that let's say housing crisis that is seen in Canada, not only Canada, by the way, is also in the United States.

00;34;55;21 - 00;35;22;01


You can feel it in England, too. You can see it everywhere. And is there is real. So but in Sudbury, for some reason, the scale of all the the proportion or the level of housing crisis is lower. I'm not I'm not going to say that it doesn't exist. It's still there. But in in the less proportion than than in big cities.

00;35;22;06 - 00;35;53;17


And then I think we were not suffering the same level in big cities are suffering, though. But I think yeah, they were. This moment will help us to to be ready for the next step, for us to be more prepared for this. And then I think at the end of the day, let's see what happened. So let's see what we yeah, the industry has been, has been in some other challenges in the past with some of the like like COVID 19 and we saw why that.

00;35;53;17 - 00;36;22;05


And now I think this is just another another another challenge and that's another challenge. That's where experience comes in, especially with you. You have seen a lot of highs and lows and some over the How many years have you been with Cameron, for example? It's going to be ten years. This this is a ten year. So in ten years, I'm sure you've seen a lot of the highs and lows.

00;36;22;05 - 00;36;44;23


And at some point you kind of probably figured that, okay, it's another challenge to be conquered. That's it. Yeah, right. You just need to live with it and embrace it and and be ready. And then the change is going to be constant all the time. So, yeah, nothing's going to be permanent forever. No need to be ready for that.

00;36;44;26 - 00;37;10;11


And then the one thing they can tell you that Sudbury is a better city with internationally educated professional suburbs, sort of a better city with more diversity. Sudbury is going to be better the more we grow with their diversity. I don't want our listeners to be disheartened just because of that particular factor. You know, it's still a great place to study.

00;37;10;11 - 00;37;50;06


Canada's still a great place to receive your international education. It's a great place to experience life as an international student, make friends, mingle with different cultures, etc.. If I may pivot for a minute again, in terms of Sudbury and I speak from personal experience, I have a friend of mine who moved to Sudbury to set up his start up right and the city of Sudbury was great in helping him set up and funding office bears, etc. etc. etc..

00;37;50;09 - 00;38;22;24


Do you see or do you see a lot of students considering entrepreneurship after completing your program? I know we have the immigration based things that just let's keep it aside separately, but in your experience, how many students do you see getting into entrepreneurship? After many, many students? I don't have the data, but I can tell you that I can see that in the students.

00;38;22;24 - 00;38;53;08


We have students who open restaurants, students who open cleaning, students who open a small business. You will see that are you can see it in your orders. That is our our getting ready ones because we have to admit something. The immigration law that we have in Canada now will encourage for us to open in small business. Exactly that there or whatever the reason is, we don't have any in that way.

00;38;53;11 - 00;39;30;22


Yeah. To become in there as in premise working for somebody else. Yeah. But once you become junior resident, that's the moment it opens for our not our options. Right. Yeah. So I can see that and I see I have seen here we and many restaurants and Latino restaurants and then Indian restaurants and Chinese, Japanese restaurants. You will see it all over the place because also you can see even grocery stores like your very dedicated roces grocery store for, again, Indian community, Latino community.

00;39;30;28 - 00;39;55;22


And you see them. So people are open in business related to their heritage and culture and is there. So interpreter of ship is part of the the living here and I think eventually the many of their students they will set up their own businesses and they will help all those to get jobs. Is there is there a little question by the way.

00;39;55;25 - 00;40;30;26


Yeah I know, because it's again, that's why I said let's keep that immigration component aside, because students who graduate, I think we are missing up. Right. And we are missing out on a great number of opportunities. We are missing out on skills, talent, connections that international students bring in and can become a kind of ambassador between countries if they are becoming entrepreneurs, whether it's import export or whether it's tourism, etc..

00;40;30;28 - 00;41;09;10


Any opportunity that Canada can get to kind of expand the market to not just America as our customer, but worldwide. Right. So I always had this thought, but of course I am not in any position to make powerful decisions like that. But I'm glad to get your insight. I think we wanted to get into a little bit about the Ontario nomination program and how it can be beneficial to students who are in Sudbury.

00;41;09;12 - 00;41;53;27



00;41;53;29 - 00;42;24;26


So I say that admission requirement. So if you didn't come from the university, you couldn't take it. And then because of the requirement, must be university level only. But now you any one year college program that grants an Ontario college certificate, we qualified as a certificate program eligible or entitled nomination as the largest in our stream mean. That is important for us, but a way that is important for all the Ontario colleges, not only Cambridge College.

00;42;24;28 - 00;42;48;13


I have to admit that, however, there is a non important factor about about that. There are many issues that even you're studying in a city like Sudbury, and if you work in a city like Sudbury and even a city like Sudbury, you are way more chances to become a Canadian resident that a person will study, work and live in, let's say in Toronto.

00;42;48;16 - 00;43;10;27


And by the way, notice that Ontario nomination is for students who are in Ontario. So if you are starting work and leaving, I don't know any other province and you are you want to apply for on termination, it doesn't work for you. You have to be in Ontario. So I want to mention that because I just happened to receive a phone call at the beginning of this year.

00;43;10;29 - 00;43;32;11


Somebody in another province realized about this. And the first question he asked me, okay, can I can I do that? But then but if you're working in and I would venture the province anyway in Alberta, because the guy who was in Alberta was saying, Hey, what if I work in Alberta, I grading Alberta, but I want to apply for a termination because I promised to move to Toronto?

00;43;32;13 - 00;43;57;05


I don't think he works that way. Yeah, yeah. To leaving Ontario is to studying Ontario to work in Ontario so you can apply in Ontario and and in in fairness, Alberta also has a great combination program. Yeah, yeah, they have their own. But I don't know why he's asking that question. I guess I guess he's here somebody and social media or something then you I don't know where and then the guy and then the person came to me and said, I want to know about this.

00;43;57;05 - 00;44;17;24


And I said, Well, you have to be in in Ontario for this program. And by the way, I mentioned that to him, You know, you guys have another program in there, $1 then? Well, you apply for that then. But then the point is, like some people might be interested in using that denomination. I'm interested in stream as an option.

00;44;17;26 - 00;44;46;18


Most of the employers don't know much about Internet mediation. You Yeah, and whatever you don't know, you don't want to get into involvement again. Like, you know, if you if you're not aware or something, chances are you don't want to get in. Well, this is complicated. Anything about this blending lawyer or whatever. And so the employers doing doneness, not necessarily getting engaged because you know what, I don't want to get into this.

00;44;46;20 - 00;45;09;07


But then and hopefully their immigration consultants that they know about this and they can guy the the the candidate. You know what? This is an option for you This is and it's a good I think I want to ask this question because we do this sometimes for our students where and again, I shouldn't say it's like a very constant thing.

00;45;09;07 - 00;45;55;20


We do We do connect with employers when necessary to clarify some questions on behalf of our students. Right. Clarify immigration question Do you guys in Cambridge do that to just clarify what employers are saying? You know, there is this possibility. Well, we do a mention remember America so are on getting ball in PR processes. Yeah we allow on automation that there is some options so and the moment that the employer comes to also the student comes to us I want to get more details about this that the more we say, well you have always the option to call in there as a got on it or more to hire a consultant because that would be

00;45;55;20 - 00;46;18;05


a better option. But I absolutely find that the Ontario ministry is there help us to promote the option that Sudbury is an option, by the way. And then more and more students are paying attention to that because, well, that's an option for you. And please remember, one thing that should is there is the fact that automation cost $1,400.

00;46;18;07 - 00;47;01;06


Wow. Yeah. It's quite so that that that you feel when your platform is for a center you don't have to pay for that. You just apply directly and then you pay the PR process right there, but then you have to pay one of those upon it. So there's some money in the roll in there, but and yet it's doable and yeah, but then I think it's an option for us as another option that and you can tell that immigration can I think me Ontario are thinking about cities like Sudbury yeah so by creating a rural Nordic immigration program and then by making these Ontario nation making giving more extra points, I suppose if you live

00;47;01;06 - 00;47;24;03


in a study and work in living in cities like Sudbury, I have to be clear it's not only Sudbury. Cities like Sudbury, you will get that extra point. In fact, that Indian there no mention you get, I would say, zero points. Just to give you an idea, if you are living in I want to give my second I want to show this myself, too.

00;47;24;06 - 00;47;51;06


If you if you let's say if you leave, if you have a job offer in I would say in Toronto, you get zero points. If you get in, get GPA. Yeah, you get three points. But if you have the job offer in, let's say in Sudbury, you get ten points. No, I'll say is very, very exciting. If you study in in Toronto you get zero points.

00;47;51;07 - 00;48;22;16


Yeah. If you study in, in GTA you get three points. Yeah. But if you study in Sudbury, you get ten points. Yeah. So very, very enticing. And then and then obviously the other things are similar is the salaries and things like that are pretty similar. And then but then the fact that you have more points because you start out work and living in them, this is like Sudbury then is more attractive for some people to apply.

00;48;22;18 - 00;48;53;18


And now with the elimination of the limitation of of you have to have a gross certificate that only has a bachelor degree requirement. With that, it opens the door for all of us. Absolutely yeah and that is I think all those points and especially a certain demographic that will be very exciting rather than being in a bigger city like GTA, Right?

00;48;53;18 - 00;49;23;12


Yeah. Yeah. You will be more attractive for many. For many people that say I have had the skills, I can work in this company for six months and then they can make it and that's it. Yeah, Yeah. And that's opening up. Like I said, you know, if it's a mature student, you know that someone who is not in their early twenties, let's say, or who is coming to Sudbury with a family and want to kind of settle down in Sudbury, that's very exciting.

00;49;23;14 - 00;50;00;12


Did you want to also go ahead and let our listeners know about the services you're offering or the programs that you're offering at Cambrian? Yes, I would just want to mention quickly that in came in college, we offer many services. We have international student advising and orientation. We have a department called Learning Center. That means that let's say you have some challenges in math and science or biology, whatever, they can give you a tutor for that and they'll help you do to figure out how to understand.

00;50;00;14 - 00;50;25;12


Sometimes you must have some challenges to establishing to, to have, to how to train, how to study, how to perform well in the schools. We have this learning center for that. We also are the athletic center. We've got varsity, internal Arizona sports and Gene, we have a very nice team, by the way. we have a presenter and we have a women's resources center.

00;50;25;15 - 00;50;53;08


We have a spiritual center. We have a place like a little shortstop where you can go and pray. And we have many social networking activities and things that you can find in the college all over the place. Broten Have a career in the career center is very important because they help you to today. They make you ready to go to to go to interviews.

00;50;53;10 - 00;51;20;07


They they have mock interviews for you, the review your résumé. They train you to get a job and it is easier in that way. And we have the largest career fair in northern Ontario, by the way, we just happened to have a week ago. It was full was fact. And then we have that option. Blossom The important thing that we have in the college and I guess this is this is something that is big, it's separate Canada from other countries is like in the college system.

00;51;20;07 - 00;51;44;17


With that, we do have a lot of research. Yes. If you think about countries like United States as a reference. Yeah, most of the research is done by universities. Exactly. Yeah. They're kind of that in Canada is a little bit different. We have a lot of research and then we have a regional development center. We have we just in there are in in college.

00;51;44;19 - 00;52;06;25


I think last time we were number 18 in Canada as a college center, which is very good. Wow. And most of the time we are not 50, but like couple of years ago, a year ago we were number 18 in terms of research and development. And this research department helped us to have a very good is in that working engagement for the students.

00;52;06;28 - 00;52;31;13


Some of those particular projects are paid, some of the spread that students can do that some of them are not, but some of them are paid. We have the Center for Summer Mining again. Remember, we have a mining city and we are building or battery electric vehicle lab. And that means that to, as you can imagine them be a little about electric vehicle and having some challenges under the battery.

00;52;31;13 - 00;52;53;00


We won the battery to last like many hours. Right. And to be charged so far faster. So we're working on that. The government on I'm on this and I don't recall if Ontario and the federal government gave us all funding to to to create a battery electric vehicle lab. So we're going to have that in the in the in the near future.

00;52;53;02 - 00;53;20;09


And we have a residential setting for. Yeah, absolutely. And that will I think that is kind of the the the the key issue in today's when we did talk a little bit about the housing crisis and things like that. Residents as they're addressing we have a residence and we have a we offer a very good nice and generous scholarship for a student or person for instance, to stay and stay in residence for the first semester.

00;53;20;12 - 00;53;39;13


In a way, they they pay half price, so they consider the residence that is very good for us. We that's why we, we, we I can tell you that in terms of housing, we are not we are we are not face in the same situation that all other institutions are. Other cities are suffering. I'm not telling you that we don't have that chance.

00;53;39;13 - 00;54;04;00


We do have the challenge, but it's not in the same proportion that if I do, I think, okay. I would say in that sense, yeah. And we have many around or, or college, you have many a walking distance. We have a lot of retailers and pharmacies, groceries, fast food, restaurants, entertainment, movies, everything, Everything that you need that you can have.

00;54;04;03 - 00;54;28;04


Yeah, enough in life to study and, and live and have fun and educate yourself that we have it in our on the CD around the college to us so we are a came that sounds amazing amazing. Thank you Marlon for your time. I think we took a lot of time from you today. I mean, over the course of the recording, obviously.

00;54;28;04 - 00;55;08;07


Okay. I know when people listen to it, they think, wow, that was done last. But any final parting thoughts for listeners who are interested in studying in Canada overall from, your experience being in multiple countries, working in multiple countries, what's your takeaway for listeners interested in studying in Canada, whether it's I know we you know, the reason to start this podcast is to give you a perspective from different practitioners about international education.

00;55;08;10 - 00;55;30;29


And like I said, you know, we are, you know, we are a lot of times I mean, I know you're in recruitment, but for someone like me, I have a blinder saying, okay, it's just, you know, I just talk about immigration and I don't want it to be just about that. Right. So any parting thoughts on well, whether it's culture, whether it's anything related?

00;55;31;01 - 00;56;00;12


Thank you. I should. I think Canada is a there I saw many years ago I saw this a slide that says can imagine you American dream. And it kind of is there like our making a wink to anybody who wants to move from the country to another country. Canada is a beautiful place there. People is super, super nice and yes, have some challenges like highlight like any other country right now.

00;56;00;14 - 00;56;21;23


Situations all over the world are not that easy and yet nothing has a wonderful place to stay and visit and have fun. You can see Niagara Falls. You can see a while on a while, you can see Toronto. You can see Banff. Banff is the most remote desert, one of the most beautiful places seen in my whole life.

00;56;21;25 - 00;56;41;06


And you can see Vancouver, you can come to Sudbury and see the there. McNichol And there's so many things to do that you can have fun in Canada for sure, in terms of food. And as I mentioned before, there's is there like you have not you're not going to miss anything. Yes, I have to admit that is not us as affordable.

00;56;41;07 - 00;57;07;25


Adding your own country outdoor. You have to start thinking about that. And then that that is an option. And in that sense, at least you have the option to have the same food that you have. And also, again, is still a country that is welcoming you. Welcome you welcome me, you to come to Canada, I think Canada and to bring your family and and this situation that we have right now need those stories and the family.

00;57;07;27 - 00;57;33;24


It just it's just one little step that we have to take. But I think in the long run, Canada will be the place for you. And I hope you can come and join us here in Canada and bring your family and come to live in Canada with us. Great. Thank you so much, Madeleine, for your time. It's truly an honor to have you here today.

00;57;33;24 - 00;57;56;04


And thank you, sir. Like, really thank you for your time. I know you're really busy and I really appreciate you reaching out. And I know listeners don't realize this, but we are recording quite late in the night and I really cannot thank you enough. Thank you so much, Marlon. Thank you. Thank you. Good night. Good morning. I don't know.

00;57;56;04 - 00;58;13;05


Good day any place you are, wherever you are. And welcome to Canada when you come around.

00;58;13;08 - 00;58;40;20


That is it for this episode of Edu Talks Canada. All episodes are produced at Youth Kesavan and TG Cue Tampa Roar Opening Theme Song by Rex Banner Gold. Be sure you subscribe to your favorite podcast platform and leave a review.

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About the Podcast

Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Education, One Conversation at a Time
"Edu Talks Canada" is your go-to podcast for insightful conversations about all things education in Canada. Join us as we dive deep into topics ranging from innovative teaching methods to student experiences, policy discussions, and beyond. Whether you're a student, educator, policymaker, or simply passionate about education, tune in to stay informed and inspired by the diverse perspectives shaping Canadian education today.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the interviewers and do not necessarily reflect the official position or stance of the institution to which the interviewers are affiliated.

It is important to note that the comments made during the podcast are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice, particularly in the context of immigration. The podcast does not constitute legal or immigration advice, and listeners are encouraged to seek the advice of qualified professionals for their specific circumstances.

In the event of an honest mistake or oversight in the podcast content, it should be regarded as a general comment, and listeners are urged to verify information independently or consult with relevant experts.

About your host

Profile picture for Achuth Kesavan

Achuth Kesavan

Achuth Kesavan is a Regulated Certified Immigration Consultant (RCIC) with expertise in federal and provincial immigration regulations. Extensive knowledge of global immigration requirements. A demonstrated leader in supporting International students through educational pathways.